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Austin Willey 11-15-2024, 12:04 AM
Seee the pretty lay out? Still WIP but

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eu iaculis elit. Nulla at eleifend orci, in gravida arcu. Pellentesque sed mauris ut orci ultrices mattis. Maecenas eget mi sit amet dui dapibus tristique nec in diam. Ut fringilla tortor id velit auctor, quis suscipit ante accumsan. Fusce eu arcu erat. In rutrum vel lectus eget pellentesque.

Sed sit amet dolor diam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque quis orci pretium, facilisis libero eget, fringilla massa. Nulla congue elementum orci id tincidunt. Morbi in elit nisl. Mauris accumsan at sapien quis molestie. Maecenas tempor arcu ut lectus faucibus egestas. Ut auctor cursus neque, in interdum ex finibus a. Integer semper, neque non vehicula accumsan, tellus sem faucibus orci, ut interdum ex metus at lorem. Fusce eu lacinia enim.

Maecenas pellentesque blandit feugiat. In bibendum purus eget neque accumsan imperdiet. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec blandit tellus dolor, ac venenatis ligula ornare sed. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec blandit dignissim ultricies. Ut eget quam nulla. Etiam vehicula, arcu sed bibendum pharetra, odio turpis fermentum nisi, id pretium nulla libero sit amet turpis. Nullam felis nunc, lacinia ac porttitor et, ornare non arcu. Sed efficitur tellus quis nunc tempus dapibus imperdiet sit amet elit. Etiam tincidunt sit amet tortor ac vehicula. Integer elementum turpis sed finibus finibus. Proin nec porttitor elit.

Vivamus aliquet, orci ut iaculis mattis, metus sem facilisis libero, a tempor mauris dolor condimentum arcu. Donec egestas fermentum lacus eget malesuada. Nullam mauris dui, tincidunt et sem sed, rhoncus vehicula risus. Nulla posuere porta ornare. Cras rutrum malesuada scelerisque. Integer eleifend dolor nec metus malesuada lacinia. Morbi tristique quam in nisi euismod, nec ornare dui consectetur. Donec blandit semper nisi, sed tincidunt urna aliquam in. Sed ultricies eros sed quam fermentum fringilla.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam vitae quam metus. Sed sagittis, eros eu porttitor molestie, risus quam tempor augue, et convallis est augue eget nulla. In tincidunt dui eu lorem sodales facilisis. Etiam sodales sed ipsum vitae venenatis. Ut vestibulum est nec sem fringilla, nec ultrices justo pellentesque. Donec facilisis ex quis facilisis dignissim. Aliquam elit est, interdum non libero quis, tempor sagittis ante. Donec ut tellus at turpis suscipit venenatis interdum ac magna. Suspendisse nibh arcu, vestibulum vel vestibulum at, tempor eu dolor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur dui velit, iaculis id orci id, elementum tincidunt eros. Sed at nulla non justo sagittis vehicula. Integer interdum, est eget pharetra luctus, eros ante imperdiet turpis, quis sollicitudin orci ipsum quis ex. Quisque consectetur auctor ex, sit amet rhoncus sapien accumsan sed. In viverra, ipsum in accumsan sodales, ex urna venenatis purus, ut gravida risus felis a eros.
Austin Willey 09-20-2024, 03:01 AM
The Five Principles of Hoshin Budo are foundational elements that shape not only your physical techniques but your entire approach to training and life. These principles are rooted in both martial effectiveness and a deeper understanding of how to navigate conflict with control and precision. Each principle is designed to work together, forming a cohesive system that maximizes your power, adaptability, and awareness in any situation. As we explore these principles, I’ll rely heavily on the teachings of Soke Rob Williams, who has refined and expanded these concepts over time.


1. Universal Guard

The Universal Guard is the first and most essential principle in Hoshin Budo. This is your ready position, the stance from which you defend yourself and launch your attacks. What makes the Universal Guard so effective is its reliance on the triangle shape, a structural form that offers stability, balance, and protection. By positioning your arms and legs in this triangular shape, you create a natural defense that limits your opponent’s ability to strike critical areas of your body. The triangle acts as a shield, guarding your centerline—the line that runs from your head to your groin—and keeping you protected from both strikes and grabs.

Rob teaches that the key to Universal Guard isn’t just about positioning your body but also about maintaining a mental state of readiness. This guard is universal because it applies to every situation. Whether you’re facing an aggressive opponent or simply preparing for a potential threat, you should always be in a position to defend yourself while being ready to counter. The triangle shape ensures that your arms and legs can move quickly into a strike or a defense, always minimizing openings while maximizing your potential to respond.

In Hoshinjutsu: The Art of Esoteric Budo, Rob emphasizes that maintaining a Universal Guard is not just a physical tactic but also a way of being aware of your surroundings and your own vulnerabilities. Whether you’re on or off the mat, this principle teaches you to always be prepared, protecting your center while staying ready to move.


2. Distance Appropriate Weapons

The second principle, Distance Appropriate Weapons, teaches you the importance of using the right tool for the right distance. In Hoshin, you must understand the range at which you’re fighting and choose your strikes accordingly. Rob stresses that at long range, your kicks are the best weapon, giving you distance while still being able to strike effectively. As you move closer, punches, knees, and elbows come into play. It’s about adapting to the situation and knowing which strike will be most effective based on your proximity to the opponent.

Rob is clear that the focus here is on strikes—whether it’s a knee to the midsection, an elbow to the head, or a punch to the jaw. You need to know with certainty that your weapon will reach its target. For example, if you’re too close to punch but too far to knee, you may be out of range for an effective strike. This principle trains you to always adjust your distance so that every strike lands with precision and power. You are also to keep your opponents distance in check, don't get into the range of their attacks.

This concept also extends to mental and energetic distance. As Rob often teaches, managing the distance between you and your opponent means not just being aware of physical space but also controlling the psychological and energetic space. This allows you to dictate the flow of combat, ensuring that you are always in a position to strike while minimizing your opponent’s chances.


3. Continual and Returning Fist

The Returning Fist principle is unique in that it functions both as a principle and a technique. As a principle, it teaches the importance of continuous attacks. Once you engage with your opponent, don’t let up. Each strike should flow into the next, keeping your opponent off balance and preventing them from countering. It’s about creating a relentless rhythm of attacks that overwhelm your opponent, forcing them to react rather than act.

As a technique, Returning Fist is a dynamic sequence of strikes delivered in one fluid motion. You start with a punch, follow up with an elbow, swinging the arm back for another elbow, and finish with a back fist. Rob describes this technique as a way of maximizing the efficiency of your strikes—each motion naturally leads into the next, allowing you to hit multiple times in quick succession. This combination keeps your opponent on the defensive and disrupts their ability to regain control of the encounter.

Rob emphasizes that Returning Fist is not just about throwing punches but about understanding the rhythm of combat. Just as energy flows in cycles, your attacks should be cyclical, returning to your guard while preparing for the next strike. This technique also allows you to generate more power with each strike, as the returning motion builds momentum.


4. Wedging In

Wedging In is the principle of taking your opponent’s space and forcing them to move or fall. In Hoshin Budo, controlling space is as important as controlling distance. By moving your body into your opponent’s space, you disrupt their balance, positioning yourself in a way that forces them to react. Rob teaches that wedging is not just about pushing but about subtly shifting into a position where your opponent has no choice but to move, fall, or give up their stance.

One of the key aspects of Wedging In is using your body to create pressure. For instance, when you move forward with your whole body into your opponent’s space, you effectively remove their ability to defend or counter. You’re not giving them time or space to regroup. This is particularly effective when combined with strikes, as it allows you to move into the opponent’s range while forcing them backward or off-balance. The wedge is both offensive and defensive—it pushes your opponent out of position while giving you control of the engagement.

Rob’s teachings place a strong emphasis on understanding how the wedge shifts the dynamic of the fight. It’s not just a tactical move but a psychological one. When you take an opponent’s space, you break their rhythm, forcing them to respond on your terms. This creates an opening for your next attack, which brings us to the final principle.


5. Finish

The final principle, Finish, focuses on resolving the conflict decisively. In Hoshin Budo, we are not interested in prolonged battles or excessive force. The goal is to apply the right amount of force to end the engagement quickly and efficiently. Whether through a well-placed strike, a submission, or a knockout, the principle of Finish teaches you to recognize when the moment has arrived to conclude the fight.

Rob emphasizes that finishing is not just about physical domination; it’s about maintaining control. In many cases, the best way to finish a fight is through psychological dominance—by showing the opponent that you have control, they may submit without further resistance. However, if a physical finish is required, it must be executed with precision and purpose. A powerful punch, an effective lock, or a controlled takedown ensures that the opponent cannot continue.

The principle of Finish also extends to how you manage your energy in the final stages of a confrontation. Rob teaches that this is the moment where your intention is most important. You must commit fully to your actions, ensuring that they achieve the desired result without hesitation. This is the culmination of the other four principles, where everything comes together to bring the engagement to a controlled and definitive end.


Together, these Five Principles form the backbone of Hoshin Budo. They offer a framework not only for physical combat but for navigating any challenge with confidence, awareness, and control. By internalizing these principles, you’ll find that they extend beyond the dojo, helping you navigate conflicts in life with the same precision and effectiveness.

Austin Willey
Hoshin Instructor
Austin Willey 09-20-2024, 02:38 AM
Hoshin Tao Chi Kung has come a long way since Dr. Glenn Morris first laid the foundation for this remarkable system. In his vision, Glenn sought to combine traditional Taoist practices, martial arts principles, and modern methods of energy cultivation, creating a unique and holistic approach to chi (internal energy) work. His goal was clear: to enable students to harness and refine their internal power for healing, self-defense, and personal development. But as with all great systems, Hoshin Tao Chi Kung has evolved—particularly under the guidance of Soke Rob Williams.

In Glenn's early work, Hoshin Tao Chi Kung was centered around meditation practices that focused heavily on chi circulation, breath control, and the connection between the dantian (lower energy center) and the rest of the body. Glenn emphasized seated meditation, static postures, and focused breathing techniques, all designed to stimulate and guide the flow of chi. These meditations were influenced by ancient Taoist practices, aiming to clear energy blockages, balance the internal organs, and strengthen the practitioner’s connection to their body’s energy.

One of the key practices that Glenn introduced was the Microcosmic Orbit meditation, a traditional Taoist method that circulates energy through the body's main meridians, from the lower dantian up the spine to the crown of the head, and then down the front of the body. This practice was seen as essential for cultivating and refining chi. Glenn described this meditation in Path Notes, presenting it as a powerful tool for developing energetic awareness, physical health, and deeper mental clarity. He emphasized the importance of concentrating on the breath and visualizing the flow of energy as a way to strengthen the mind-body connection.

However, as Hoshin Tao Chi Kung evolved under Rob Williams’ leadership, the approach to meditation, energy work, and the flow of chi underwent several important refinements. While Glenn’s Microcosmic Orbit and other meditations remained an essential part of the practice, Rob’s contributions focused more on dynamic and practical applications of energy. Rather than solely emphasizing seated meditation, Rob began integrating movement-based meditations, walking meditations, and even exercises that incorporated chi into daily activities. His goal was to make chi cultivation more accessible and practical for modern practitioners.

In Rob’s writings, he refers to what he calls "Walking the Way of the Wind," a moving meditation practice that mirrors tai chi but with an emphasis on Hoshin’s unique internal principles. In this method, practitioners use slow, deliberate movements that align with their breath, creating a flow of energy that is more fluid than the static meditations introduced by Glenn. This evolution made the practice more applicable to martial arts training, as students learn to move with intention and awareness, allowing chi to support their physical techniques.

Rob also introduces more advanced meditative practices, some of which were touched on by Glenn but significantly expanded under Rob's guidance. For example, Glenn mentioned Emptiness Meditation, which focused on quieting the mind and creating a space for intuitive insight to arise. While this was largely a mental practice in Glenn’s work, Rob expanded it by connecting this emptiness to energetic awareness, teaching students to use the stillness of the mind to better perceive their own energy field and that of others. This evolution reflects Rob’s emphasis on the connection between mental clarity and energy sensitivity, especially as it applies to martial training.

Another key shift in Rob’s approach to Hoshin Tao Chi Kung was the increased focus on Intention and Sensitivity Training. While Glenn certainly encouraged students to explore the edges of human potential, Rob has taken that concept and grounded it in more practical exercises. He introduces specific meditations that train practitioners to sense and manipulate their chi and that of others. These practices include learning to feel energy in the hands, which Rob refined into exercises where students work with partners to sense their opponent’s movements or intentions before they physically manifest. This psionics-like ability—what Rob sometimes refers to as chi sensitivity games—builds upon Glenn’s original work but takes it to a more interactive level.

Rob’s contributions have also expanded the healing aspects of Hoshin Tao Chi Kung, which was always part of Glenn’s original vision. Glenn wrote extensively about the power of chi for self-healing, encouraging students to use their breath and visualization to clear blockages and improve physical health. Rob has refined these healing techniques, incorporating methods from traditional Chinese medicine and other esoteric systems to create a more holistic approach. His healing meditations involve not only moving energy through the body but directing it toward specific areas to heal injuries, balance emotions, and improve overall well-being. This refinement has deepened the healing aspect of the system, making it more robust and practical for modern practitioners.

A noteworthy aspect of Rob’s approach is his focus on the connection between emotions and energy flow. In Glenn’s original teachings, there was a strong emphasis on building raw energy, but Rob’s work highlights the emotional dynamics that influence this process. In his meditative practices, he teaches students to become aware of how emotional states like fear, anger, or sadness impact their energy field. Through specific meditations, such as the Wind Breath meditation (introduced in Rob’s later works), students learn to regulate their emotions and harmonize them with their chi, fostering not just physical resilience but emotional balance as well. This evolution has made Hoshin Tao Chi Kung a more comprehensive system, addressing not just the physical and mental aspects but also the emotional layers of energy work.

In conclusion, Hoshin Tao Chi Kung has evolved from Glenn Morris’s groundbreaking work into a more holistic, dynamic, and accessible system under Rob Williams. While Glenn’s focus on internal energy, meditation, and martial applications remains foundational, Rob has brought new depth to the system. He’s incorporated movement, enhanced sensitivity training, and provided a stronger focus on emotional intelligence and healing. This evolution continues to push the boundaries of what is possible, making Hoshin Tao Chi Kung a living, breathing system that offers practitioners the tools to grow physically, mentally, and spiritually.

The essence of what Glenn began lives on, enriched and expanded by Rob’s contributions. As this system continues to evolve, so too will the possibilities for those who practice it, creating a path that not only strengthens the body but also elevates the mind and spirit.

Yours in the way,
Austin Willey
Hoshin Instructor
Austin Willey 10-20-2023, 08:33 AM
[hide cost="25"]
Hoshinjutsu - The Art of Esoteric Budo.pdf (Size: 2.43 MB Downloads: 15)

Austin Willey 08-02-2023, 05:38 PM
I tried to accumulate as many pdfs I could find from Glenn's reading list located on the Hoshin website.

I will share them with you here, though please do consider buying a physical copy!

Books I have a PDF for:
  1. Path Notes of an American Ninja Master (This is a good pdf, not a scan of the book)
    [hide] [/hide]

  2. Shadow Strategies of an American Ninja Master
    [hide] [/hide]
  3. Martial Arts Madness (This is a scan of the book)
    [hide] [/hide]
  4. Quantum Crawfish Bisque for the Clueless Soul
    [hide] [/hide]

  5. A New Translation Based on the Recently Discovered Ma-wang-tui Texts
    [hide] [/hide]

  6. Art of War Sun Tzu
    Art Of War Sun Tzu.pdf (Size: 349.57 KB Downloads: 0)

  7. Awaken Healing Energy through the Tao
    [hide] [/hide]

  8. Engaging the Powers, Discernment and Resistance in a world of Domination
    [hide] [/hide]

  9. Hoshin Games
    Hoshin Games PDF.pdf (Size: 10.69 MB Downloads: 0)

  10. Light on Pranayama, The Yogic Art of Breathing
    [hide]  [/hide]

  11. Never Be Lied to Again, How to Get the Truth In 5 Minutes Or Less In Any Conversation Or Situation
    [hide] [/hide]

  12. Prometheus Rising
    [hide] [/hide]

  13. Protecting the gift, keeping children & teenagers safe (& parents sane)
    [hide] [/hide]

  14. Reflections on the Art of Living, A Joseph Campbell Companion
    [hide] [/hide]

  15. The Book of Five Rings
    The Book of Five Rings.pdf (Size: 338.21 KB Downloads: 0)

  16. The Book of Leadership and Strategy, Lessons of the Chinese Masters
    [hide] [/hide]

  17. The Essential Tao, An Initiation into the Heart of Taoism Through the Authentic Tao Te Ching and the Inner Teachings of Chuang
    [hide] [/hide]

  18. The Gift of Fear, Survival Signals That Protect Us From Violence
    [hide] [/hide]

  19. The Inner Teachings of Taoism
    [hide] [/hide]

  20. The Meditative Mind, The Varieties of Meditative Experience
    [hide] [/hide]

  21. The Root of Chinese Qigong
    [hide] [/hide]

  22. Thunder in the Sky, Secrets on the Acquisition and Exercise of Power
    [hide] [/hide]

  23. Understanding the Mysteries Further Teachings of Lao-tzu
    [hide] [/hide]

  24. Zen and the Art of Making a Living
    [hide] [/hide]

I am missing a few books unfortunately, I was unable to secure a pdf file for.   If you are able to locate any of the following pdfs, let me know please!
[spoiler=PDFS I need]
  1. The Sword & The Mind 
    • translated by Hiroako Sato
    • ISBN 0-87951-256-3
  2. 36 Stratagems: Secret Art of War
    • translated by Kon Kok Kiang and Liu Yi
    • ISBN 9971-985-94-2
  3. The Fu Hsi I Ching: The Early Heaven Sequence
    • Roy Collins.&nbsp
    • ISBN 0-8191-8952-9
  4. Mind Over Matter: Higher Martial Arts
    • Shi Ming, translated by Thomas Cleary
    • ISBN 1-883319-15-3
  5. Zen and the Ways
    • Trevor Leggett.
    • ISBN 0-8048-1524-0
  6. The Zen Way to the Martial Arts
    • Taisen Deshimaru.
    • ISBN 0-525-93267-4
  7. The Way of the Scout
    • Tom Brown Jr.
    • ISBN 0-425-14779-7
  8. Developing Talent in Young People
    • Benjamin S. Bloom, editor.
    • ISBN 345-31509-x-995
  9. Scottish Witchcraft: The History and Magic of the Picts
    • Raymond Buckland.
    • ISBN 0-87542-057-5
  10. Shamans, Healers and Medicine Men
    • Holger Kalweit.
    • ISBN 0-8773-659-6
Austin Willey 07-20-2023, 06:13 PM
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna. Adipiscing elit pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et. Id cursus metus aliquam eleifend. Nibh venenatis cras sed felis eget. Dolor purus non enim praesent. Tincidunt vitae semper quis lectus nulla at. Risus nec feugiat in fermentum posuere urna nec tincidunt praesent. Tristique risus nec feugiat in fermentum posuere urna. Amet massa vitae tortor condimentum lacinia quis vel eros. Faucibus scelerisque eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien. Ullamcorper a lacus vestibulum sed arcu non odio euismod lacinia. Ac orci phasellus egestas tellus. Nunc vel risus commodo viverra maecenas accumsan lacus. Sit amet facilisis magna etiam tempor orci eu lobortis.

Habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus. Ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate eu scelerisque. Vel elit scelerisque mauris pellentesque pulvinar pellentesque habitant morbi. Feugiat nisl pretium fusce id velit. Nulla posuere sollicitudin aliquam ultrices sagittis orci. Eget nunc scelerisque viverra mauris. Nunc sed blandit libero volutpat sed cras ornare arcu. Sed turpis tincidunt id aliquet risus feugiat in ante. Tempor orci dapibus ultrices in iaculis nunc sed augue lacus. Quis hendrerit dolor magna eget est. Pharetra vel turpis nunc eget lorem dolor sed viverra ipsum. Ipsum faucibus vitae aliquet nec ullamcorper. In egestas erat imperdiet sed euismod. Mollis aliquam ut porttitor leo a diam. Arcu risus quis varius quam quisque id.

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